Tuesday 10 November 2009

Researching similar media works

We are doing some research about different horror films and its elements and technical codes, by doing this I think that it will help us all to be able to make our final piece of film as effective and to the best standard possible because we have the greatest understanding possible of how horror films work and what is included in them.

Once we had created the basic plan of the presentation we split into two different groups to help ensure that we cover all of the tasks that we need to complete efficently and ensure that we do not waste any time. Lauren and I went off together in order to find some research on the presentation and also assign jobs to those in our group for the presentation. I think that we worked well and fairly whilst also asking the other members of our group what they thought and wanted to do. By doing this we were able to complete all of the tasks that we set out to complete. By sharing out the work load it made sure that everyone was given a fair amount of work to do. I thought that this was really good because then all of the pressure isn't put solely on one person and it is truly the groups work rather than just an individuals. In all I felt that the tasks which were completed were done well with the rest of the group being happy and satisfied with what was done.

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