Friday 20 November 2009

Horror Re-make

Our group decided to re-create the hallway scene from The Shining which was created in 1960. We decided to re-create this scene as it is simple yet very effective. We also decided to re-create this scene because we could use equipment which we have not been able to experiment with yet. We could also work on and learn useful techniques such as space and time management. We leanrt a lot from re-creating the scene and it gave us the much needed help in order for us to practise our planning, filming and editing skills.

It proved to be very useful research that we can take and use when it comes to planning, fliming and editing our own film. We all worked well together and thoguht about the different aspects of the scene and what we needed to think about in order to ensure that the re-make is as good as possible. We had some issues with who was editing when however we learnt from this and will be able to take away the fact that we need to plan out when and who is editing and what time. However overall we made some good re-makes that are very similar to the actual scene and show off our editing and filming skills.

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