Friday 23 April 2010

Final, Final film edit

This is our final edit after making changes from audience feedback.

Wednesday 31 March 2010

Filmed Evaluation

After creating my evaluation script it has enabled me to film my evaluation to make it more unique and interesting.
Question One:

Question Two:

Question Three:

Question Four:

Question Five:

Question Six:

Question Seven:

Friday 19 February 2010

Media Evaluation Script

For my media evaluation I will be making a series of videos in order to evaluate all areas of the project. Before I can film the evaluation I felt it was necessary to create a script so that I am aware of what I need to say when filming and have a good understanding of what needs to be said.
Evaluation Script

Audience Feedback

In order to find out what our target audience thought about our film, it was felt necessary to create a questionnaire in order to find out and change our film according to what the audience think of it and how it can be improved.
Media Evaluation Questionnaire

Monday 8 February 2010

Final Film Edit

Over the past few weeks, as a group we have been working on editing our film. We have gone through many processes to get to the point that we are now at, however we did not do this easily. We had many problems with the software in which we were editing our film on. Several clips of film went missing and had to be re found which was time consuming. However we managed to work well together as a group and ensure that we finished our film edit, to a standard that we are all happy with. We also encountered some issues with sound and them being in the wrong place. However once more our group managed to overcome this issue and work together in order to resolve the problem.
Overall I feel that our film is really good, it includes everything that we wanted to include and together looks very professional. We have had some good feedback about the opening sequence which reassures us as a group that the work we all put into to creating the film was well worth it.

The Institute-Final Edit

Friday 29 January 2010

First Film Edit

As a group we are working together to edit the film fully. We have each taken it in turns to do some editing and therefore have managed to edit the film well. This is our first edit and is continuing to be improved.

After this edit we will all go over the film and see where we need to make small changes and ensure that everything is working well. By doing this we can check and be sure that our project and the end product are as good as physically possible.

Our first edit:

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Filming day three- Scene One

Today we completed all of our filming. We managed to get to the location quickly and at the correct time we all agreed to meet. This meant that we were able to get filming quickly and do it in the time that we set ourselves. We were all fully prepared with all of the props that we needed. This then meant that we were able to set up without any problems and get on with filming as quick as possible.

We did encounter a few problems when working out how to film the running feet scene. We were not sure of the best way to film it so we had to do a few experiments in order to find out which was the best way. This put us back in our schedule slightly which meant that it took longer to finish filming.

However overall we managed to film successfully and finish all of the filming that we needed to do. We have now finished all of our filming and continue with editing our film. We are working well as a group and ensuring that we are organised.