Monday 8 February 2010

Final Film Edit

Over the past few weeks, as a group we have been working on editing our film. We have gone through many processes to get to the point that we are now at, however we did not do this easily. We had many problems with the software in which we were editing our film on. Several clips of film went missing and had to be re found which was time consuming. However we managed to work well together as a group and ensure that we finished our film edit, to a standard that we are all happy with. We also encountered some issues with sound and them being in the wrong place. However once more our group managed to overcome this issue and work together in order to resolve the problem.
Overall I feel that our film is really good, it includes everything that we wanted to include and together looks very professional. We have had some good feedback about the opening sequence which reassures us as a group that the work we all put into to creating the film was well worth it.

The Institute-Final Edit

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