Tuesday 26 January 2010

Filming day three- Scene One

Today we completed all of our filming. We managed to get to the location quickly and at the correct time we all agreed to meet. This meant that we were able to get filming quickly and do it in the time that we set ourselves. We were all fully prepared with all of the props that we needed. This then meant that we were able to set up without any problems and get on with filming as quick as possible.

We did encounter a few problems when working out how to film the running feet scene. We were not sure of the best way to film it so we had to do a few experiments in order to find out which was the best way. This put us back in our schedule slightly which meant that it took longer to finish filming.

However overall we managed to film successfully and finish all of the filming that we needed to do. We have now finished all of our filming and continue with editing our film. We are working well as a group and ensuring that we are organised.

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