Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Day two of filming- Scene Two

Today we filmed scene 2. Scene 2 is the couple arguing in their house over money. I feel that todays filming was even more successful than mondays filming session as everything went to plan, we managed to film and get some good shots in under an hour. I also feel that we planned out this scene particually well as we all sat down in the morning and went through everything that we would need so that we could go and film and do it efficiently and successfully.

Our actors were really good, proving to us that our auditions were worth it and that we chose the right people. They brought real emotion to the scene and we could clearly see that they were enjoying the filming. This encouraged us as a group to continue filming and work hard to create the final film. I think that we are working well and all our planning and hard work is coming to benefit us because it is all paying off and our filming is going very successfully.

Filming scene two.

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