Thursday, 14 January 2010

Casting and Auditions

In order to ensure that our film has the best possible actors to make sure that it is as effective and realistic as possible, we felt it necessary to audition potential actors in order to decide who to use when creating our final film.

We set up cameras on the day of the auditions in order to have reference to look back on when we are deciding which actors to use. We asked the actors to read parts of our script out and try it using in different techniques.

After the auditions were held, the group as a whole sat down together and decided on the actors in which we wanted to use. We then updated our group blog with images of our selected actors and why we chose them.

As an individual I arranged to get equipment in order to film the auditions so to make sure that when our auditions were being held we could get straight on and not waste ours and the people who were auditioning time. I also controlled the cameras during the audition process and made sure that every scene that was auditioned was recorded. I then played a part in the group discussion in deciding which auditioning to choose for our final film.

On the group blog you can view the videos of the audition process and our final decisions that were made. The decisions that we made can be seen on the group blog as well.
We took some pictures of our auditions.

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