Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Week one

After one week of working togther as a group and working on the various tasks that have been set within the main project, I feel that we are all working well together and overcoming by discusiing the few different issues and problems that we have encountered. Working together is key to the success of our project and teamwork is vital in ensuring our project goes to plan.

We have all made good progress on all of the various tasks and have managed to complete many of them well before the deadlines that the group as a whole have set.

I think that the fact we all sit down together and talk about what tasks we have to do and how we are going to share out the work load and ensure that we get all of the work done to the best of our potentials.

I feel that we are heading in the right direction with our current work and if we continue to work to the standard we currently are I think that we will be very successful in our project.

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