Thursday, 26 November 2009

Similar Media Works

In order for our group to ensure that our film opening is as effective and works as best as possible, our group needs to research all areas of the horror genre and the techniques and effects used to make sure that the film works to its best ability. As a group we looked into all of the various aspects of horror films so that we had a greater understanding and could apply this knowledge to our own film.

We split up all of the various things we felt needed to be researched between the group so that we all had a fair amount and the amount of work which we needed to do, wasn't as much as we would have needed.

I was given the tasks to research the dictionary definitions of Horror and Psychological Horror, Common elements of horror films such as Antagonists and Protagonists. The Ideology of horror films and what influences it and an analysis or a horror film including mise-en-scene. These are all important elements of horror films and the analysis was a good idea so that I could break down everything that I had learnt and use good examples of it.

By creating a similar media works profile it enabled our group to have a better insight and understanding into what was included in a psychological horror film. We could also find out further about what the audience expected from a psychological horror film. By looking at other similar films we also were able to have a better understanding of successful films and therefore could apply this to our film. We also looked at target audiences, generic conventions of horror films, ideology and mise-en-scene. By doing all of this research we are able to ensure that our final film is as successful and realistic as possible.

Here is my similar media works PowerPoint slides.
The whole similar media works power point can be viewed on the group blog as a whole powerpoint with the whole groups combined slides.

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