Friday 29 January 2010

First Film Edit

As a group we are working together to edit the film fully. We have each taken it in turns to do some editing and therefore have managed to edit the film well. This is our first edit and is continuing to be improved.

After this edit we will all go over the film and see where we need to make small changes and ensure that everything is working well. By doing this we can check and be sure that our project and the end product are as good as physically possible.

Our first edit:

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Filming day three- Scene One

Today we completed all of our filming. We managed to get to the location quickly and at the correct time we all agreed to meet. This meant that we were able to get filming quickly and do it in the time that we set ourselves. We were all fully prepared with all of the props that we needed. This then meant that we were able to set up without any problems and get on with filming as quick as possible.

We did encounter a few problems when working out how to film the running feet scene. We were not sure of the best way to film it so we had to do a few experiments in order to find out which was the best way. This put us back in our schedule slightly which meant that it took longer to finish filming.

However overall we managed to film successfully and finish all of the filming that we needed to do. We have now finished all of our filming and continue with editing our film. We are working well as a group and ensuring that we are organised.

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Day two of filming- Scene Two

Today we filmed scene 2. Scene 2 is the couple arguing in their house over money. I feel that todays filming was even more successful than mondays filming session as everything went to plan, we managed to film and get some good shots in under an hour. I also feel that we planned out this scene particually well as we all sat down in the morning and went through everything that we would need so that we could go and film and do it efficiently and successfully.

Our actors were really good, proving to us that our auditions were worth it and that we chose the right people. They brought real emotion to the scene and we could clearly see that they were enjoying the filming. This encouraged us as a group to continue filming and work hard to create the final film. I think that we are working well and all our planning and hard work is coming to benefit us because it is all paying off and our filming is going very successfully.

Filming scene two.

Filming day one- Scene Three

On monday we filmed scene 3. Scene 3 is the staff room scene in which the nurses are having a dicussion about the escaped patient and the troubles that it will cause.

We had several problems with this scene as the original location that we wanted to film initially in had to be changed at the last minute because of issues with the location. The group managed to find a new location and create a very effective set in order to keep to our filming schedule. I think that this was a particular high point for our group as we managed to sort out and resolve the issues that we came across and made it work well.

We also encoutnered another problem that set us back slightly was that one of our cast did not turn up to filming on time which set us back by about ten minutes, however as we had all arrived on set an hour prior to filming we were fully prepared and organised and therefore were able to make up the time in filming and film all that we planned to film within an hour with time to clear up sufficiently. I think this was also a good point of our group because through the problems we managed to overcome them and make the most of the time and space that was available to us.

The group on set.

Preparing the set.

Running through the script to work out camera positions.

Shot List

To ensure that filming the piece is as easy and successful as possible the group created a shot list, which can be viewed on the group blog , so that we are all sure of the exact shots, their location, timings and which characters will be included in each shot so to ensure that the whole group is completely aware of what each shot includes. This will help us as a group to make our filming sessions much easier to plan out and understand as we have thought about every detail of each shot so we can film the shots straight away and not have to worry about the details when it comes to the filming day.

As a group we had a discussion about all of the different shots that we need to shoot in order to plan out every single second of our film. We all spoke about the shots and what we felt they needed to include, the length and other important details that will enable our filming to be even more successful.

I put my ideas forward to the group about the different shots that we will be filming and we included them in the shot list. We had to compromise so shots as the group had different ideas upon what should be included however we all worked together well and managed to create a shot list that we were all happy with.


When as a group we sat down and spoke out the mise en scene of our film we discussed props. We spoke about the items that you would usually find in the places that we are looking to recreate or film in. By doing this we could all have a better feel and idea of the type of props that we would need in order to make out film as effective and realistic as possible.

We decided that we could not use a medical staff room in order to ensure that patient confidentiality was kept. However as members of my family work within a hospital, I was able to borrow posters, books and other staff room items in order for the group to be able to recreate a medical staff room effectively.

As we plan to film in an actual house the mise en scene within the house will be accurate as it is the actual setting, however we felt that we needed to add in several props such as coats and handbags in order to ensure that the film makes good use and demonstrates continuity.

As we are going to try to recreate a police investigation we needed to think about what happens at a police investigation therefore, we have talked about the different items that are generic to police investigations and have tried to ensure that we can recreate a similar scene. Another family member of mine works for the forensic department within the police, therefore I was able to get several props and a better understanding of what should be included in the scene.

From looking at each different scene and the items required it helped the group and we could therefore make a good and understandable prop list that will ensure that the mise en scene of our filming is as effective and realistic as physically possible.

After looking at all of the different types of props we created a prop list with exact details of all of the props in which we intend to use. This can be viewed on our group blog.

Friday 15 January 2010


The group as a whole got together and discussed the mise en scene that we felt was necessary within the film. One of the items of mise en scene that we discussed was costumes. We talked about each different character as an individual and talked through any ideas that we had about what we felt they should be wearing and its significance to the scene and film as a whole. From doing this we all put forward our ideas and managed to compose a list of costumes for each character.

We decided that the female character, the protagonist should wear light and if possible white clothing in order to highlight her innocence and ensure that she stands out in comparison to the rest of the characters. We decided that the antagonist should wear dark clothing and ensure that the majority of their body is covered in order to hide their identity, to create mystery within the piece. We also decided that they should wear dark clothing in order to show the darkness and evilness of the antagonist.

From these ideas the group was able to create a costume list and organise the costumes for when we actually film the piece, we will then be able to film as efficiently as possible as we have already thought out what we feel the actors should be wearing and can have everything prepared.

I searched for and got hold of some forensic suits in order to create a realistic forensic investigation. I then took some photos in order to document this and improve our planning.

The full costume list can be viewed on our group blog.

Thursday 14 January 2010

Casting and Auditions

In order to ensure that our film has the best possible actors to make sure that it is as effective and realistic as possible, we felt it necessary to audition potential actors in order to decide who to use when creating our final film.

We set up cameras on the day of the auditions in order to have reference to look back on when we are deciding which actors to use. We asked the actors to read parts of our script out and try it using in different techniques.

After the auditions were held, the group as a whole sat down together and decided on the actors in which we wanted to use. We then updated our group blog with images of our selected actors and why we chose them.

As an individual I arranged to get equipment in order to film the auditions so to make sure that when our auditions were being held we could get straight on and not waste ours and the people who were auditioning time. I also controlled the cameras during the audition process and made sure that every scene that was auditioned was recorded. I then played a part in the group discussion in deciding which auditioning to choose for our final film.

On the group blog you can view the videos of the audition process and our final decisions that were made. The decisions that we made can be seen on the group blog as well.
We took some pictures of our auditions.