Friday, 18 December 2009

Location scouting

My group gave me the task to complete the location scouting list, explaining where each shot would be filmed, why and display pictures showing the locations.

I looked at the storyboards and discussed with the group the different locations that we could use to shoot our film. We talked about where we could film them and came to some decisions. I then went out and took photographs of the locations as a whole and more specifically the exact parts of the location in which we will film.

From there I was able to create a document and explain the reasoning behind our decisions.

Location Scouting

The location scouting that I created and researched can also be viewed on the blog.

Sunday, 6 December 2009

Target Audience Profile

Once I had created a plan it was very easy for me to use the plan and research what I felt I needed to look into. I could then put it into writing and create the target audience profile. The target audience profile is a very important part in the planning stages of our film as in order to ensure that the film is as successful and effective as possible we need to know in exact detail what the specific target audience will be. Therefore the target audience profile is on our group blog in order for all of our planning to make sense as a whole.
Target Audience Profile

Target Audience Plan

Before I could work on the target audience profle i decided to create a plan in order for me to understand fully what the group felt needed to be included and what I needed to look at in order to make the target audience profile as understandable and clear as possible.
Target Audience Plan

Group Progress

This week, I worked on the target audience profile for my group. I did some further research into the Uses and Gratifications theory and examples of audiences of our type of genre. By looking at the target audience of the genre of our proposed film it will enable us a group to ensure that the film works and appeals to its target audience. This will therefore make our film as successful as possible and ensure that it is effective.

This week the group also had a group meeting in order to talk about the tasks which we needed to do this week. We also spoke about the script and what we felt should be included. We then split up to get on with the work that we assigned each other. At the end of the week when we had completed the tasks we sat down and spoke about the tasks in which we need to complete in the next week. We had some ideas and are continuing to think about the ideas in order to develop them. We will then sit down together again and talk through our individual ideas and create a plan to sort out what we each need to work on.